Saturday, November 29, 2008

Mileage breakthrough!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

As I'm writing this, I'm trying icing my ankles to reduce inflammation after today's long walk. So far, I just have very cold toes!

Getting out of bed this morning was a HUGE challenge! It was 5am, it was dark, it was supposed to be raining, I was exhausted, and driving to Goodlettsville was the last thing on my list of "things to do". Driving there, I listened to my music, and reminded myself that "I am a marathoner, and this is what we like to do", and miraculously managed to turn my attitude around. In fact, once I got there, I was excited and ready to go! The walk was fantastic, and I had a blast with the mentor I was walking with. She helped me with some stretches that felt great, the area that we were walking in was really pretty, and the weather wound up being beautiful. (Totally worth getting out of bed for!)

And, much to my surprise, when we got back, her pedometer read 4 miles!

4 miles!

That's my commute to work!

I walked it this morning, and was home by 9!

Thanks for reading!

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