Sunday, November 23, 2008

Why I'm walking 13.1 miles (all at once)

7 1/2 years ago now, I fell asleep while driving. I drove off the road and hit a concrete culvert going somewhere around 50 mph. (In fact, if you're ever in Murfreesboro, check out the culvert in front of that mirrored body shop on Broad near Bumpus and Sloan's - the crack in the concrete is thanks to me.) The next thing I knew (although I had been conscious prior to this), I was in a bed at Vanderbilt trying to figure out why I had been sleeping with my shoes on.

The engine of the car had dropped on impact, landing on the lower half of my legs, taking my feet and ankles with it as it twisted while the car flipped. After finally being cut from the car, I was taken to MTMC, where my parents were told that my situation was too severe to be helped there. They stabilized me, gave me the antibiotics that probably made all the difference in my recovery, and sent me to Vandy. There, they thought that both of my feet would have to be amputated, but managed to somehow put my ankles back together again. They said that I would never walk again.

To make a very long story a little bit shorter, thanks to my family, friends, doctors, and physical therapists, I did walk again. I will never walk the same again - I'll always have a limp, and I'll always have arthritis. I'll always have good days and bad days, but I can walk, and that's what matters!

This year, I've decided to walk a half marathon.

Yes. 13.1 miles. All at once. On the same day.

Because I can walk.

I signed on with Team in Training ( - a national endurance sports training group with fantastic resources! I have coaching and workshops and more support available to me than I ever would have thought! Of course, all that comes with a price, and I have to do fundraising as well. But, the fundraising is for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society - a cause I can easily back. Sooner or later cancer will affect all of us, and the research that is going on right now is amazing! If you happen to have a few extra bucks, check out my fundraising website -

I'll be blogging throughout the entire training for the marathon - from now, where I am nowhere close to ready, to race day when I cross the finish line!

1 comment:

Chip Lynch said...

Wow, Jen, I'm so impressed! I remember when your mom called me, after your accident -- hard to imagine that was over seven years ago. You'd mentioned recently that you wanted to walk the Marathon, and I'm really glad you're taking steps to do it. I need to get that sort of motivation going myself -- your post here is certainly inspiring enough to help.

Team in training is great -- it was another Xavier friend that introduced me to the website (hitting up for a donation, of course). I'll be glad to pitch in a few bucks to your walk.

I hope it doesn't sound condescending to say that I'm proud of you. Like I said, your story is inspiring and I'm always in awe of the attitude you have. I'm glad you're sharing it here with everyone.

Good luck.
